Unexpected Succession Planning: What to Do if a Key Executive Unexpectedly Quits

You may not be the CEO yet. But as a company executive, an executive’s unexpected resignation, termination, or even absence is cause for alarm. Best case scenario, you may be chosen by the board to serve as interim CEO or executive. On the flip side, you may lose your job or the company may go down in the dumps as…

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Job Hunting Survival Tips for an Executive Who Has Never Looked for a Job in Decades

A young executive I met recently mentioned that she never had to look for a job. From the time that she got her MBA, she moved from job to job through contacts, and as her career progressed, she was recruited by head hunters hired by companies. She has never written a resume because she never needed one before—until now. With…

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Networking for Executives

  These days, it’s not so much what you know as who you know. While you need experience and credentials to give you the know how to lead a team or run a company, it’s often the handshake of someone you know that will get your resume on the desk. Whether or not you think this is fair, networking is…

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How to Make a Career Change as a 50-Year-Old Executive

These days, young people just entering the workforce will have an average of seven to nine careers in their lifetimes. That’s seven to nine different fields, not just employers. That number may seem unreasonable to older workers and baby boomers, whose parents worked their entire lives at one job. But even if you’re in your 50’s, it’s possible to make…

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Resume Trends to Watch in 2017

From hair to clothing to houses, everything is subject to trends. In the job search world, resumes are no different. Resumes go through trend cycles too. Forty years ago, resumes were pages upon pages. In the last 10 years, resumes have gone down to only two or three pages, as nobody has time to scan through a five-page resume. Today,…

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Executive Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

You’re an executive, and you’ve been contacted by a recruiter about an opportunity for a well-known firm in your industry. Congratulations!   Although you’re excited about this position, you’re understandably nervous about the upcoming interview. Of course, the interview isn’t the be-all end-all to getting the job – there are also references to follow up with, and portfolios and numbers…

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5 Challenges Veterans Face in Getting Hired

They’ve been vigorously and meticulously trained, and have served our country with everything that was in them. But after they finish their term of service and get back to civilian life, many veterans, despite their extensive qualifications, find it hard to get employed. Even with their intense training and discipline, and the opportunities or programs offered to them, many veterans…

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Layoff Checklist for EMPLOYEES: Everything You Need to Ensure Your Paycheck and Other Benefits During a Layoff

Times are tough when you’re on the receiving end of a layoff notice. Things might be chaotic in the office, and your direct manager or HR may or may not be able to assist you every step of the way. I created this checklist with that in mind. Please note, however, that this list isn’t all-inclusive and that the chronological…

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5 Ways to Close Questionable Employment Gaps in Your Resume

You’ve got the skills, years of experience, and carefully selected references. You are ready to send that resume. Except, well, there’s the small matter of a gap in your employment history. Recruiters and companies are known to question employment gaps in an applicant’s resume. It’s important your gaps don’t paint you as incompetent, unfit for work, unstable, or unemployable. A…

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How does Executive Outplacement Work?

As of August 2014, about 119 CEOs announced their resignation, the highest recorded number since 2008, according to an article published in Chief Executive Magazine. Executives know that figuring out the next phase of their career isn’t as simple as submitting a resume. Transitioning from one C-level job to another, after all, requires a lot of upfront work. Business owners,…

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4 Top Job Options for Employees 50 and Over

The times are changing. The unemployment rate for workers 50 and up is higher than it was in the last Great Recession. While the unemployment rate is going down, albeit slowly, many older workers remain unemployed six months to a year, way longer than young employees with less work experience. It’s as if older workers are past their “sell-by” date….

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Corporate America Doesn’t Care About You: It’s Time to Put Yourself First

When was the last time you came home late because you needed to finish an urgent project? Did you take your work home recently? Have you ever missed your kid’s recital because of work? Sacrificing work/life balance to move up in the corporate ladder seems like a fair trade, at least on the surface. Martin Yate, author of New York…

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Success Stories of Veterans and Reservists Transitioning to Corporate Work

After years of deployment, rigid schedules and working within the military’s structure, the difference in environment and job description between civilian and military work can be overwhelming. Despite the uncertainty it brings, many veterans look forward to working in the corporate world, because this will allow them to spend more time with their friends and family. Question is, what are…

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Why Don’t You Get a New Job?

Here are the top reasons employees stay in their unhappy jobs, according to US News contributor Alison Green in her article, “5 Lame Excuses Preventing You from Finding a New Job.”

Is Your Military Resume the Best Tool to Get an Interview?

Read Rick Corcodilos’ job search strategy for military personnel entering the everyday workforce in this special edition of “Ask the Headhunter”: How to Transition From Military to Civilian Work Without a Resume.

Jobseeker’s Guide to Leaving Your Job

Every few months, you’ll see an example in the news media of someone who left their job in dramatic fashion. Examples include the JetBlue flight attendant who famously deployed the emergency chute on the runway, or the Goldman Sachs executive who wrote a “Why I Am Leaving” article in the New York Times. These stories catch our attention because they…

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Unemployment and Career Transitions, Challenges and Opportunities

The current national unemployment rate is 9.6%, with New Jersey equaling that number and being one of the highest state percentages in the nation. In the face of fierce competition for the available positions, perhaps it is a good time to evaluate options and explore opportunities. First, let’s address some of the key issues when facing unemployment or a career…

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