The Common Questions Applicants Ask Their Would-Be Bosses on Interviews

Are you a manager or executive interviewing someone for a job? Don’t expect that you’ll be the only one asking questions.

Expect good candidates to raise their own questions during the job interview. They want to impress you and make themselves more memorable compared to other candidates.

Here are the top four questions you can expect to get from a potential hire during a job interview.

“What’s your management style?”

The candidate likely wants to see if you two will work well together should he/she get hired for the job.

How do you answer this question? You likely don’t have only one type of management style – you adapt according to the individual you’re dealing with and the situation. Go ahead and give some situations and list reasons why you use a particular management style in a certain situation and why it works.

Do you prefer to give more guidance at first, and then let employees lead the way as they get more experienced?

“What would you like to change about yourself as a manager?”

Feel free to tell the candidate about an aspect of your management style that you’re working to improve. Give concrete examples.

This question isn’t designed to humiliate you, so don’t get offended. No one is perfect, and admitting to   one of your areas for improvement is a good sign you won’t be a hard-to-please perfectionist boss.

“What type of people do you work with best?”

The candidate will ask the question to find out what type of employees you get along with best, and which employees you find difficult to work with.

The candidate wants to see if you can hit it off in your working relationship. More importantly, he wants to know if you can communicate and interact effectively, in case your personalities don’t match. The candidate also wants to determine whether you can establish good working relationships with a diverse group of employees.

There are many ways to answer to this question. You can start off with a list the qualities you value most in an employee, followed by the traits you find annoying. Giving an example situation to justify the traits that annoy you also helps.

 “Why did the last person in this position resign?

The candidate is trying to determine if there was a problem with the workplace or a problem between you as the manager, and the last worker that caused him or her to leave. The candidate is concerned if those problems are still ongoing, or might happen again once he/she starts working with you.

In conclusion

Remember that you’re in a candidate’s market now. In many industries, applicants receive multiple offers so they’re confident to pass up on opportunities that seem questionable to them. Because of this, more candidates are asking tough questions during the interview.