How to Build a Strong Alliance of Supporters at Work

One of the secrets of succeeding in the workplace is building strong alliances. No matter how seemingly good and experienced you are, or even if you hold a top position in an organization, time will come that you’ll need someone else’s help. This is where building alliances comes in handy. Successful employees work hard to build themselves a network of…

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When Office Friends Turn into Liabilities

In general, making friends at work make Monday mornings more bearable and over time work a little less stressful. Having friends at work can make an otherwise stressful environment enjoyable, but things can also go sour under different circumstances. In light of International Friendship Day on July 30, we look at the different situations where office friends can become a…

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Why Comparing Your Career to Your Friends’ is Harmful

You and your best friend have been through everything together. You’ve survived high school, experienced first loves and first heartbreaks, gone through college, found your first jobs and supported each other through loss. You shop together, have coffee together, and maybe have even roomed together. But while we celebrated Best Friends Day last June 8, we all know friendships aren’t…

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How to Deal with Email Conflicts at the Office

Ever since there was the written word, misunderstandings and misinterpretations have existed. Then email was invented, and miscommunications became more frequent. The nature of email today is that it is quicker than actual printed letters. People tend to treat email more casually than printed letters. Introductions are more casual and many times, they are not as carefully edited or their…

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