New Year Career Resolutions

As the new year approaches, many of us are in “resolution” mode. What changes do we want to make for 2012? What commitments do we want to make for ourselves and for others? It is a great time to reflect on our careers, evaluate where we have been, and decide where we are heading.

Here are a few thoughts to get you started.

1.  Have you completed a personal inventory? Ask yourself the following:

  • Who am I and what do I do?
  • What skills and talents do I have?
  • What am I good at and what do I like to do?
  • What skills and talents do I need?
  • What am I “not so good” at and what do I not like doing?

2.  Is your resume ready? If you meet someone new at a holiday party and they ask for your resume, is it ready?  Don’t get caught unprepared. Make a list for yourself of your most recent accomplishments, and make sure to include them.

3.  Are you on LinkedIn? Make sure your profile is complete and position yourself to be found by potential employers.

4.  Are you evaluating your opportunities to network? Face-to-face and social/internet networking are both important. Make sure your online presence is clean and well-connected, and get yourself away from the computer! Find organizations, associations, and meetings where you can meet people who can assist in your search.

5.  Is your workspace neat and organized? Whether you are in a company office, home office, or working from a make-shift space to conduct your job-search, consider “cleaning house.” Do you know that sigh of relief after going through the car wash? When you de-clutter your workspace, you can see through your personal chaos and create a plan.

Drive safely!  Best wishes.