Personalize your LinkedIn Profile URL

linkedinWhen you customize your LinkedIn URL, you are enhancing the address, and making it easier for people to find and recognize you. Your new URL will be useful to add as a link to your resume or to put on a networking card.

When you originally set up your profile, you were given a default URL. For example, mine may have looked like this:

As you can see, this would be a difficult address to remember. In order to customize your URL, go to the Profile tab and click on “edit profile.” Right underneath your picture, you will see the current URL and an option to edit it. Click edit and continue as follows:

  • On the right hand side of the screen, you will see an option to customize your public profile URL.
  • Click on “customize your public profile URL” and put your name as you want it to appear. On mine, I put: michelleriklan.
  • Save this by clicking “Set Custom URL.”

My profile URL now appears as This URL is much more personal, easy to recognize/remember, and shorter to place on networking tools.