
Tips for Your LinkedIn Profile Photo

Your profile photo on LinkedIn is very important. Did you know that profiles with pictures attract 50-70 percent more inquiries than profiles without pictures?

Here are some tips for your LinkedIn photo:

  • Don’t use an old photo. There are few things worse than meeting someone for the first time and not recognizing them because the picture on their LinkedIn profile is from 15 years ago (or longer)!


  • Use a photo of you in your profile — don’t use a photo of an object.


  • Your photo should include your head and shoulders, do not use far away pictures.


  • Photos should be professionally done, if possible (but not Glamour Shots).


  • Don’t have other people in your photos (and don’t crop other people out of your shot).


  • Make sure the background in the photo isn’t distracting.

Take multiple shots and ask people their opinion on which one makes you seem most “approachable.”