5 Ways to Calm Your Nerves and Fight Interview Jitters like a Pro

You’ve spotted a posting for the job of your dreams. You decide that life is short, you’re ready for new challenges. You send out your resume and a cover letter, and hope for the best. Lo and behold, you get an interview! You’re excited. But getting an interview usually means jitters and anxiety. After all, you really want the job,…

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How can you be Assertive but Not Aggressive in Job Interviews?

This month, I received a rather intriguing question from Jake in New Hampshire, “I just came from an interview and the recruiter told me that I wasn’t assertive enough. I don’t know what he meant, but as far as I know, I emphasized my strong points and other skills.” Great question. Many job applicants fall on the extreme ends of…

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Stand Out! Ask these Questions on Your Next Job Interview

Job interviews, for most people, feel like a one-sided conversation. A question and answer, where you’re expected to behave and put your best foot forward. Yes, definitely do that if you want to be as memorable as every other candidate on the planet. If you want to stand out, you have to do what majority of candidates don’t do… Ask…

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